2/19/2017 Activity Report For


Pre-Appointment Communications


% Customers Receiving

Pre-Appointment Reminders Started

Human Hours Saved

Post-Appointment Communications


% Customers Receiving

Post-Appointment Follow-Ups Sent

Human Hours Saved

Sales and Estimate Communications


% Customers Receiving

Open Estimate Follow-Ups Started

Human Hours Saved

Future Offer Communications


% Customers Receiving

Customers Receiving Forward Scheduling Offers

Human Hours Saved



Confirmed Appts


30 Day Change


Unconfirmed Appts


30 Day Change


Text Method


30 Day Change


Email Method


30 Day Change


The confirmed percentage is at the top of the stats for all companies using the system, which is excellent. We still have plans to increase this percentage with coming updates.


Reported Customer Issue


30 Day Change


Reported Happy Customer


30 Day Change


Unresponsive Customers


30 Day Change


This is a great opportunity for getting important customer feedback about their experience with you. At present this part of the system is not being used. We recommend a remedial training session with the appropriate office staff to implement this, or a discussion to evaluate a better methodology for your particular workflow.



Accepted Estimate


30 Day Change

Avg. Response, Days

Mean Response, Days


Declined Estimate


30 Day Change

Avg. Response, Days

Mean Response, Days


Unresponsive Customers


30 Day Change


Provided Feedback


30 Day Change


Since this our first data sample for your business, I’d love to know if you agree with the close rate denoted in the “Accepted Estimate” percentage above. Planned improvements to this part of the system will attempt to beat the average response time, as well as lift the close rate even higher.

I am VERY pleased with the number of customers who are leaving you feedback about estimates! This is a much higher rate of return than I would have expected. Once you have had a chance to download and review the feedback, I’d love to hear your thoughts about any common themes or indicators of changes you think it might be beneficial to try.

4) Shifter/Lifter Offers

Customers enrolled to receive off-season offers


30 Day Change


Clicked Interested


30 Day Change


Clicked Not Interested


30 Day Change


Enrollment is very good, so the system is being used well. The lack of data in this report section is due to the fact that there have not been any customers who have received offers in the system yet, due to the timers and when the system began being used by you.