Appear BEFORE They Click.


Own the Search Box on Google and Bing. Get auto-recommended by name for the most competitive keywords in your market.

What is SBO?

Imagine bypassing your competition at the search box – BEFORE anyone even sees the first page of results! That’s Search Box Optimization (SBO). You can spend thousands of dollars just to stay optimized for organic SEO, and it keeps getting harder and harder to do. Plus, every one of your competitors is trying to outspend you to get there! It’s time to bypass the front page of Google. Jump the line, and get your business seen while people are still typing in their search query!


Users Who View Search Suggestions


Users Who Click Search Suggestions

The most valuable position in search isn’t even on the first page.

When 91% of people searching for your services could see your company in the auto-complete suggestions that appear below the search box, there is no question that’s exactly where you need to be.

This is how to shut out competitors before they even have a chance to be seen. Our Search Box Optimization service does this by getting you seen ahead of anyone else, right from the search box.

How To Get Started

1. Book a Call With Us

Let us get to know your company and see if the most valuable keywords in your market are still available.

2. Reserve Keywords

We’ll research available keywords, and you’ll reserve them with a signed 6-month agreement.

3. We Get To Work

We begin search box optimization activities and notify you when we have you appearing in results.

4. Pay for Results Only

We only start billing when successful. If not, we’ll return 100% of your initial payment after 180 days.

First Come, First Served.

In your market, there could be between 300-1200 companies in your industry competing for the most popular keyword phrases in pay-per-click and organic SEO. These companies are used to paying $5k – $25k per month to be in the mix for the top spots on page one of search results.

Search Box Optimization is much less expensive than traditional PPC and SEO, and can get your company MUCH better placement and results. It also helps your SEO, because the more people click on you by name, the more strength gets passed to your web site pages.

But this opportunity is by its very nature a scarce resource. Once a keyword is under contract with a business in your market, we will not be able to offer that keyword to anyone else in your market. Once a keyword is locked up, it may stay locked up for a long, long time.

Currently, valuable, popular keyword search terms are available in most markets. But you need to contact us as soon as possible to let us do the research and determine if we can offer them to you as part of our program. We urge you to act quickly to reserve the most valuable keyword terms in your market.

100% Money Back Guarantee

There is absolutely no risk to try our Search Box Optimization Service. Your initial reservation fee is placed in a separate account as escrow and will be 100% refunded to you after 180 days if we are unsuccessful. Additionally, you will not be charged a monthly fee until we are successful in getting your company seen in the auto-suggestions for your reserved keyword phrases.

  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • 100% Risk-Free
  • Pay only when we get the results we promise.

There is simply no reason to sit on the sidelines while your competitors discover this strategy. While we guarantee our results and offer them to you 100% risk-free, we cannot guarantee that the most valuable keywords in your market will still be available.  Don’t miss out. Book your introductory call with us today.

It’s things like Search Box Optimization that keeps us sticking with you year after year. You guys are always investing in the future, finding ways to get us more and more market share. And this one is HUGE!

Chuck Hall

Owner, Winstons Chimney Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Search Box Optimization (SBO) the same as the SEO I already pay my marketing company for?

No. SEO is about ranking your company’s web pages on the top of search results. It’s about competing for the privilege of being shown right alongside your biggest competitors, and every year it is getting harder and more expensive to do.

SBO, on the other hand, hijacks users before they ever get to the first page of results by showing you in the autocomplete suggestions while users type. It’s “zero-click marketing”, and it puts you at a huge advantage over the first page results. When someone clicks your company in the autocomplete, they don’t go to the first page with all your competitors. They go to a page that talks almost exclusively about your company, leaving the competitors behind.

Are you using some kind of black or gray hat strategy?

Not at all. Google and Bing’s auto-complete/auto-suggest algorithms look to see what is currently trending to determine what will be displayed. Our process works to use social influences in building authority for the website and to build social awareness in specific ways that are attuned to the algorithms. The social trending and influencing work we do is complex, but none of it falls afoul of the search engines’ published best practices. It’s like any other white hat SEO strategy; it’s just a whole different set of skills and tools used to accomplish the results in this one specific location.

Why Bing? Can I just optimize for Google's search box?

The cost is the same either way, so we recommend optimizing for Bing as well for the same price. Don’t neglect the 900 million daily searches bing gets. And did you know that Bing searchers spend about 35% more than Google Users? Plus, having Bing also helps get you results on Google faster.

How much does it cost?

The cost can vary depending on several factors:

  • Whether or not you choose Bing only, OR Google and Bing
  • The keyphrase’s search volume in your market
  • How many keyphrases do you want?

We will go over all of these factors with you on our free discovery call.

Are there any extra fees?

There are no other fees or hidden costs, just the locked-in monthly price as stated in your agreement with us when you submit your order.

Are these keywords exclusive to me, or do you sell them to my competitors as well?

As long as they are paid for, the keywords are yours. It is no longer available to anyone else. We still require you to book a discovery call with us first, and reserve the keywords you want.

Am I locked into a long-term contract?

Not at all. We do require an initial six-month agreement. However, if we are unable to get you seen in the search box within the first 180 days, we will refund 100% of your initial keyword reservation fee and the agreement is null and void.

After the six month agreement, it’s month-to-month for as long as you pay to keep the keyword phrase.

Do you help me choose the best keywords for my industry and market?

Absolutely. Our experts can help you identify the keywords that will make you the most money and get you the most visibility. You’ll then be able to choose to reserve a few (or all!) of the available ones!

Usually this can be done during the initial discovery call with us. Occasionally, we may need to do additional research for long keyword lists, multiple industries, locations, or markets.

Is this service offered by Google or Bing directly?

No, this is not an official Google or Bing service. Our technical SBO experts have spent countless hours understanding how the search box works, and this strategy is an exclusive offering.

How long does it take to work?

Great Question! First, how quickly will you get started?

It depends on how competitive your industry is, the size of your search market, and whether you choose to do Bing only, or Bing and Google together.

Remember, it’s a process that creates results over time. Typically, we see results in the first 2-3 months, but in more competitive markets it could take as long as 6 months.

What is a Local Keyword Phrase?

We sell valuable keyword phrases for local and national businesses. Local phrases are designated by containing a location-specific term related to the market where a company does its business. For instance, “chimney repair St. Louis” would be a local keyword phrase, while the shorter “chimney repair” would be a national keyphrase.

What is a National Keyword Phrase?

National keyword phrases are much broader than local ones, and may get hundreds of thousands of searches per month by people all over the US. If you can serve customers all over the country regardless of location, purchasing a national keyphrase may be the way to go. You will receive larger volumes of inquiries from customers from every state, and you should be able to service them all. National keyword phrases are great for franchises, mortgage companies, etc.

National keywords are priced individually based on many factors; the competitiveness and search volume, along with the work involved in optimizing it for a specific business.