The Grateful, Thankful Leader

The Grateful, Thankful Leader

Thanksgiving is a funny holiday. It seems today, it’s more about marking the start of the Christmas shopping season than anything else. Yes, we might get together with family and friends, have a good meal, eat and maybe drink too much and, if we’re lucky, get four...

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What Makes A Great Leader?

What Makes A Great Leader?

It seems like everywhere you look, someone is claiming to know the “secret recipe” for a great leader. These articles always capture our attention because we all want to be better leaders, but which leadership traits are actually backed by data? Russell Reynolds...

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Are You Telling An Effective & Memorable Story?

Are You Telling An Effective & Memorable Story?

Think back to the last time you gave your “elevator pitch” and told someone what it is that you do and what your business is all about. If you’re like most people, you froze for a moment like a deer in headlights and then tripped all over your words trying to find...

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