Values, Part II: What We Do

Values, Part II: What We Do

In our last post, we talked about who we are as a company, as determined by the values outlined during our company-wide culture workshop. This week, we’re talking about the values that define the culture surrounding what we do.

Without further ado, Values, Part II: What We Do.

We Cultivate Meaningful Partnerships

When asked what we do here at Spark Marketer, we don’t think about securing, hosting, and building websites, creating listings, building citations, posting blogs, or managing social media. We do all of those things and more, but our first thought is the relationships we cultivate each and every day.

We work alongside our clients to help them achieve greater success and extend their services to more people within their communities. Our goal is not to do just the bare minimum, and the phrase, “that’s not my job” is a four letter word here in the office.

Instead, our goal is to partner with our clients, come alongside them as they navigate their way in business, and do everything we can to help. We seek to become an integral part of our clients’ marketing and operations and help them succeed.

When our clients have questions, even if it’s about supplemental marketing services or business decisions, we want to be a resource and a help. Why? A success for our clients is a success for us – whether it’s a marketing success, a business success, or even a personal success.

We win only when our clients win, which is why we strive to build long-lasting partnerships, grow with our clients and their businesses, and help them reach new heights. This brings us to our next “what we do” value…

We Invest in People and Their Dreams

Here at Spark Marketer, we realize that every person has his or her own individual dreams, and we’re all about creating plans of action to help others achieve those dreams. That’s why we get to know our clients and their dreams and goals for both their businesses and their lives.

Once we know these dreams, we align our efforts and personalize our approach to marketing to help them reach their dreams faster. When you know that the work you do for a client is getting them closer to their goals and allowing them to pursue their dreams, nothing you do is a waste of time. It’s all rewarding!

Whether we’re encouraging an employee to develop her artistic talents launch a business, or helping a business owner realize his dream of expanding his business nationally, starting a non-profit charity organization, putting his kids through college, or changing the world by providing spectacular customer service, we work to provide the support and encouragement needed to make dreams realities.

We firmly believe that by helping those we work with and for reach the goals they’ve set for their lives, we can help make a larger, more meaningful impact on the world around us. And this culture of support and encouragement starts at the top here at Spark Marketer.

Taylor and Carter are always willing to invest in continuing education and training for employees when there is a desire to grow and learn. Interested in Google Ads? No one’s going to stop you from exploring that path. Why? If you’re doing what you’re passionate about, you’re going to be happier, and you’re going to do a better job. All of these investments strengthen our company and our partnerships, and encourage better service for those we serve and those our clients serve.

So, now that we’ve defined what we do, how do we do it? Check out our final culture segment, Values Part III, How We Do It.

Keeping Your Vision For Your Business Where You Can See It

Keeping Your Vision For Your Business Where You Can See It

No one starts their own service business because they’re lazy or looking for the easy way out. No, when you made the decision to go out on your own, you knew you’d have many long, hard days ahead of you.

But even knowing that, the amount of work required can be overwhelming and downright despairing at times – especially if you lose sight of your vision, the vision that got you excited and motivated to start your own business in the first place.

Here are some tips to help keep your vision front and center and your focus sharp during the late nights and hard times…

#1 Surround Yourself With Reminders

Think back on your first break-up. Everywhere you went, everywhere you looked, you saw or heard something that reminded you of The Ex. And all that did was make it harder and harder for you to forget about him or her and move on with your life.

Well, when it comes to maintaining focus on the vision you have for your business, it helps to use this law for good. Plant things around your home and office that remind you of your vision and business-related goals and dreams, and that stir up excitement and drive within you.

For example, you could:

  • Write out your 5 year goals and pin them to the wall in front of your desk.
  • Write your mission statement on your bathroom mirror.
  • Fill a white board with words you’d like customers to use to describe your business.
  • Keep the first dollar your business brought in framed on your desk.
  • Tape an appreciative letter from a customer to the dashboard of your truck.

There are so many ways to make your surroundings one giant vision board. Whether you buy into The Secret or not, having your vision and your goals written out and in plain sight, day and night, will help keep your mind focused on where you’re going, your eyes open to opportunities along the way, and your feet taking the next steps to get you there and keep you going.

#2 Stop & Celebrate the (Big & Small) Wins

One of the best ways to prevent burnout and keep your vision in view is to take the time to celebrate those times that you win, reach a goal, or take the next big step. Whether you choose to simply verbalize the win to the rest of your team, give yourself a little treat (like dinner at your favorite restaurant), or reflect on what it took to reach that goal or take that step, taking a moment to acknowledge progress is critical and can give you the energy and focus to keep going.

#3 Read & Listen

Remember, you’re not the only business owner who has struggled with the issues that keep you up at night. Make a point to find others who have faced some of the same challenges and listen to what they have to say about overcoming and carrying on. That can mean having a lunch date with a mentor, reading a leadership book, or listening to a podcast.

The point is: You aren’t alone, and your goals are attainable! Don’t lose sight of the reason you set out to do what you do. Keep your vision front and center. With focus, drive, and hard work, it will pay off!